MIPIM - The Global Urban Festival
9-13 March 2026
Palais des Festivals, Cannes, France

MIPIM key audiences

Top 5 countries by participants

+ hundreds of delegates from other europeans countries, Americas, Middle East, Asia, Africa,...

Delegates by activity

+ hundreds of delegates from Technology & Innovation, Associations, Corporate End-users / Occupiers, Hotel groups, Retailers, and more...

Investment at MIPIM


Investment companies *



Real estate investors from the world’s top 100*

€4 trillion

of assets managed by investors at MIPIM *

€800 billion

of managed by RE-Invest summit investors*

* 2024 key figures

Meet the whole real estate community to boost your business


    ✔  Find new projects and assets to invest in.

    ✔  Meet co-investors and peers.

    ✔  Evaluate market conditions.

Corporate End Users /
Hotel groups / Operators

    ✔  Find new locations.

    ✔  Network with potential business partners.




    ✔  Share your projects to international buyers.

    ✔  Identify and meet potential partners.


Service providers

    ✔  Find new premises.

    ✔  Share innovative solutions for effective
         projects and asset management.


Cities & local authorities

    ✔  Promote your city to a global audience.

    ✔  Build your urban development strategy.

    ✔  Connect with future partners.

Business services

    ✔  Highlight your expertise to property                       professionals from the entire value chain.

    ✔  Expand your network.