MIPIM has pledged to be a pioneering event in matters of sustainability. Making MIPIM more diverse is part of our commitments.
Diversity, equity and inclusion
MIPIM welcomes everyone in a safe environment, to reflect the world in which we live and the communities that we serve. Conference panels with three people or more feature at least one woman. Free passes and accommodation are available to selected delegates aged 30 or under, via the MIPIM Challengers programme. We also ensure accessibility for all persons with disabilities.
A safe and secure business environment
MIPIM is committed to providing a safe and secure business environment built on mutual respect for all participants.
Inappropriate behaviour, disrespect or harassment, is not part of the MIPIM experience and will not be tolerated. Everyone can attend MIPIM, free from fear of discrimination, or concern about their personal safety.
Diversity at MIPIM
Gender balance in conferences
At MIPIM, at least one woman features on conference panels with three participants or more. This policy is displayed alongside the details of each event in the programme.
At MIPIM 2024, 42% of speakers were women on official sessions (41% during MIPIM 2023).
Gender equality in Real Estate
MIPIM Director Nicolas Kozubek has signed a commitment to gender parity and workplace equality in real estate, in partnership with the Frence association L' Observatoire de la Charte de la Parité dans l'Immobilier.
Diversity dedicated events
MIPIM is strongly committed to promoting diversity in real estate. Several events will be dedicated to diversity, equity and inclusion. We would love to offer visibility for diversity and inclusion events organized by our clients taking place during MIPIM. If you are an association promoting diversity, please contact us.
Our partners for DEI
MIPIM thanks its partners for their help in promoting diversity, equity and inclusion in Real Estate.
if you are a non-profit association promoting diversity, get in touch!
Giving every young voice a platform
Since 2024, the MIPIM Challengers initiative creates space for the next generation of real estate professionals, sharing their commitment to a sustainable urban environment, while promoting the values of diversity and inclusion.
Each year, we select 16 professionals aged 30 or under, to fully participate in MIPIM in Cannes, with free entry passes and dedicated sessions to platform their views and network with the real estate community. By empowering young people and giving them a voice to influence decision-makers and industry leaders, we advocate for youth, growth and equitable change.
An accessible venue
The venue
As the Palais des Festival of Cannes is open to the public, the building has been made accessible to all, in compliance with French laws on Accessibility (Ad'AP, March 31, 2019).
A guidance solution was deployed throughout the site to guide and navigate our clients on the premises with complete autonomy.
We strive to continue facilitating the movement of everyone and offer specially tailored routes for people with disabilities.
Wheelchair rental
The Pharmacie du Casino, located across from the Palais des Festivals, offers manual wheelchair rentals (non-electric). To reserve one, please send an email here at least 48 hours in advance. The wheelchair can be picked up and returned at the pharmacy or at a nearby address.
MIPIM is not contractually affiliated with this establishment.
The parking facility beneath the perimeter of the Palais des Festivals offers 15 accessible parking spaces for people with reduced mobility (PMR).
MIPIM is not contractually affiliated with this parking facility.
Onsite services
Quiet room
All attendees are welcome to use our quiet room, which offer a safe space to retreat whenever you feel overwhelmed by the event environment. These room gives you the time and space to decompress, regulate your sensory system, and balance your nervous system.
Level 4 - Audi J
Lactation room
Feel free to use our safe and private space for nursing, with lockable door, comfortable seating, access to electric outlet, and proper storage for breast milk.
Level -1 (next to the cloakroom)
Interfaith prayer room
The interfaith prayer room at MIPIM provides a quiet space for attendees of all faiths to pray and reflect during the event.
Level 3 - Audi D (women)
Level 3 - Audi C (men)
The MIPIM Sustainability Pledge
We are inviting exhibitors to join us in becoming signatories of an ambitious agreement and to commit to low carbon transportation, a greener stand and active engagement with the values of diversity, equity and inclusion.
Signed by:
An event by RX
RX has a long-standing code of ethics and an Inclusion & Diversity policy. It actively supports the many programmes and initiatives across the company, and has made concrete commitments to directly impact I&D growth, globally. In January 2021, RX pledged to donate $1M over the next five years to selected not-for-profit partners around the world who are working to improve inclusivity and diversity in their local communities by supporting social change, fighting injustice and fostering development.